Friday, February 22, 2008

Immunity Deal's Global Implications

By Mark Brousseau

The proposal in the U.S. Senate to grant immunity to U.S. banks in the DataTreasury patent infringement lawsuit (see previous post) has drawn a lot of strong comments for many corners of the industry. Among those raising questions about the implications of granting immunity to the banks, is John V. Ashley, CEO of Cheq Information Technology, Inc. (

Ashley is concerned about the international implications of the U.S. Congress and the President signing off on this legislation, as well as the implications as it would relate to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva.

“We live in a global economy and can no longer think just about the United States when it comes to this kind of legislation,” Ashley told me. “Canada and India also are moving into a Check 21-type environment. The U.S. legislation would negate any potential revenues [for DataTreasury] from these countries. Are we thinking too parochially here?”

What do you think? Post your comments here.

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